STEM Panels convene the brightest minds in education with one goal: to provide market research, data, and insights to inform your business decisions. STEM Panels gather either virtually or in person, and include a carefully curated panel of educators selected by Catapult X and Arc Capital. Essentially, STEM Panels are your educator advisors for product and market development.

STEM Panels are a new idea for a new time, informed by our experience leading hundreds of focus groups, resulting in real-time actionable data.
Client Responsibilities:
• Define business goals.
• Identify which STEM roles to recruit.
• Listen.
It is as simple as that. BUT, it’s easier said than done. That’s where we come in.
What We Provide:
As your STEM Panel research team, we take care of the details that you don’t have the time or possibly the expertise to handle:

Develop screening criteria to ensure quality advisors
(Demographics may include: role, grade levels, subjects, district, state, Title I status, and more)
Screen advisory candidates through a survey
Validate via email
Call candidates to finalize
Seek referrals from like-minded candidates

Develop discussion guide
Send e-vites after confirmation
Remind candidates one day before meeting
Remind candidates on the day of the STEM Panel
Manage Zoom meeting details
Deliver incentives and thank you to advisors

Analyze how the STEM Panel feedback affects your business goals
Uncover quotes from your STEM Panel that help answer critical questions

Answers to your STEM product development questions
Insights to inform critical business decisions
Zoom recordings to share with stakeholders
Reports, including insights, STEM educator quotes, business implications
Findings that you can share with your team, board, and investors as appropriate